Audio Interviews by Bernadette Rule

ART WAVES is a podcast series of hour-long interviews with Hamilton area artists of all kinds, which can be found at BERNADETTE RULE hosted Art Waves from 2008 to 2021 at the Mohawk College radio station, providing a fascinating spoken word archive on the Hamilton art scene.

December 3, 2012

When CHRIS LAING says his debut novel, A PRIVATE MAN, features 1947 Hamilton as a character, he’s not kidding. He does a stunning job of bringing that version of the city to life. For a delightful trip into the Hammer’s past, tune in. After all, what better way to revisit 1947 than by radio? It will make you want to extend your visit through Laing’s book!

May 8, 2017

Seraphim Editions writers Christopher Cameron & CHRIS LAING came to Art Waves to talk about their new books, which cover the ground from high to working class culture. Christopher Cameron’s Dr. Bartolo’s Umbrella and Other Tales from my Surprising Operatic Life is his memoir of singing on opera and concert stages across Canada. A FAMILY MATTER is the third in Chris Laing’s Max Dexter mystery series. Both will keep you thoroughly engaged.